
Our Mission...


Summit's Mission is to empower people to reach new heights and advance God's Kingdom through His Supernatural Presence, Love & Power.

In response to God's extravagant love towards us, Summit's heart is for all people locally & globally to live out the fullness of all that God has for them and to experience the supernatural love & power of God's manifest Presence.

What to

Love Generous & Abundant.
God Honoring, People honoring.
Passionate Lifestyle of Worship.
Life Changing Discipleship.
Soul Winning.

Summit Church is a growing vibrant community of people from all walks of life and generations. Our heart is to constantly cultivate an atmosphere where people can come experience the tangible, life-giving, transforming and supernatural work of the Holy Spirit. We encourage and teach that valuing people with generous love and honor empowers them to reach for all that God is and has for their lives.

At the heart of all gatherings and all that we do, we are Revivalists, striving to change the world locally and globally by reaching people with the message and story of Jesus and creating passionate history making worship.

We are Summit Church...and we are absolutely honored and excited to welcome you to be a part of this adventure!

Get Involved

All of us at Summit know exactly what it's like to try to find your place in a brand new community. Perhaps you've already attended a few of our events, and you'd like to do more?

What's next? How do I get involved? We got you.
There are several ways that we've designed for you to take that next step!

Get to know us!

"I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of."
John 10:10 MSG

Discover Summit 101: In this class you will learn about, our vision, our core values, our leadership, and church membership at Summit Church.

Discover Summit 201: This class teaches about the present day ministry of the Holy Spirit, spiritual gifts, and empowerment. There is an opportunity to join a dream team to serve.

We want to help you realize what makes you so unique. This class will help you discover your personality, gifts and purpose in life and see how God combines them for the best fit in ministry. This class takes place the third Sunday of scheduled months.

Attend an orientation or training session in the ministry area of your choice to learn more about being involved. This training takes place the fourth Sunday of scheduled months. The Growth Track is complete when you join or start a ministry.

Contact us to see when our next Discover Summit classes take place!

Connect Groups

Our Connect Groups are a place for developing genuine relationships and discipleship with Christ as the center. Through connection, Belong, Be Known, and Become.

See Groups

we have A ministry for every age and every stage of life!

Our Team

Pastor Daniel and Theresa Jones at Summit Church

Pastors Daniel & Theresa Jones

Senior pastors

Leading people to new heights in Christ is the passion of Pastors Daniel and Theresa Jones. The heart of their ministry at Summit is loving and encouraging others to fulfill their God-given destiny and press to maximize their full potential in Christ. Their lives are a testimony for their ministry style — loving people and doing the works of Jesus Christ in this generation. Witnessing the modern day ministry of the Holy Spirit with gifts, healing, and miracles flowing in their ministry.



Matt started serving in worship ministry as a teenager in his hometown near Toronto, Canada, and began leading worship in high school for his church's youth group. In 2003, he completed the Toronto School of Ministry at a sister Church of Catch the Fire located in London, England. It was there he met his wife, Annie, who is from the San Diego area. They married in 2005 and now live in North County. In 2004, Matt studied Theology at Tyndale University in Toronto and in 2011, he completed the Biola Bold Program and received his Bachelor's Degree in Organizational Leadership.



Chris has a Bachelor's Degree in Theology/Leadership through Vision International University. Chris was ordained as a pastor in 2016 and became our Children's Pastor. Since then, Chris has transitioned to our Men's Pastor. His passion is to disciple and raise up Godly men who are spiritual leaders and warriors in God's kingdom. Cassandra's been dancing since she was 5 and is passionate in her mission to prophetically and powerfully communicate the message of the Gospel through Creative Arts. She organizes and integrates the Arts into Summit's services, local outreaches, special events, mission trips, and dance shows. Cassandra graduated from the University of San Diego with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Minor in Leadership. She started Blessed Feet Dance in October of 2008.



Pastors Tal & Dee Klaus oversee the counseling and Sozo transformation center. They both have doctorates in counseling as well as advanced training in administering and facilitating Sozos for individuals.

Pastors Mark & Deborah Griffo

Counseling & Ministry Team

Pastors Mark & Deborah Griffo are leaders in our community and have been ministering together for 43 years. Their passion is to build strong families and to leave a spiritual legacy for the generations to come. They currently coach individuals and couples to successfully go to the next level in their personal lives, their marriage, and family. They specialize in marriage & pre-marital counseling. www.StrongerTogetherMinistries.org

Johnson Doan

Young Adults Leader

Johnson leads our Summit Young Adults ministry. He brings a passion and heart to see the whole of our County transformed by Young Adults who live a life of true Revivalists through the power of the Holy Spirit, being ROOTED in biblical foundations and ACTIVATED for divine purpose. Graduating from UCLA's School of Film & Television, he runs his own Marketing & Media Company.

Pastor Jalil & Myrna Choueiry

Arabic & Live Stream Ministry

Pastor Jalil and Myrna Choueiry oversee our Arabic & Live Stream Ministry. Originally from the country of Lebanon, they have a heart for the reaching the Arabic community.  They host an Arabic Ministry Outreach which includes worship nights and Bible studies.

Pastor Terry & Juana Jackson

Altar Ministry, Preservice Prayer & Preaching Team

Pastor Terry has a Bible Degree in Messianic Studies from King's College. Juana Jackson has a heart for the unborn and works for a Pro-Life Organization called, "Alternatives Medical Clinic." They have a passion to teach on our Messianic roots and are a part of our Pre-Service Prayer team.

Core values

Boldly Live Out
Supernatural Ministry

The experiential demonstration of the Power of God, led by the Holy Spirit expressed in signs, wonders, healing and greater works.

Love as the Greatest Commandment

Demonstrated first by Jesus, we follow in having compassion, hope, charity and support for people whether in need or in triumph.

Life Changing Discipleship

We prioritize training, equipping, mentoring & empowering people to live out a life in Christ and for Christ.

Having a heart for
Missions & Evangelism

Never stop reaching the lost. Never stop telling people about Jesus' gift of hope and salvation, locally & globally.

Passionate Worship

Our outward expressions of worship in all our gatherings is vibrant, alive and focused on God's Presence.


Families are vital and we strive to help cultivate healthy & thriving relationships in marriages, fathers, mothers and their children.

Community that Lifts & Holds Us

Partnering and Sharing together in trials and victories, creating authentic relationships across multiple generations and cultures, and inspiring trust and accountability as we help each other navigate our divine calling.

Cultivating a
Culture of Honor

Valuing and protecting people's worth in Christ and holding to a standard of integrity in all that we do and everywhere we go.

Extravagant Generosity

Jesus gave "all in" freely, compassionately and sacrificially to us and that compels us to do the very same when it comes to our resources, in our giving, in serving and our finances whether in need or in abundance.

Expressing the Gospel in
Arts & Creativity

We encourage and promote the beauty and power of using the creative and performing arts to share the message of Jesus in dance, drama, music and all visual artistics.



Praise and worship fills our sanctuary where we exalt God’s presence and embrace the Bible and His inspired Word. We see a closer relationship with God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit; the Triune Godhead through worship, daily prayer and study of His Word.

Holy Bible
Jesus Christ
Virgin Birth
jesus' blood
jesus christ indwells all believers
Baptism in the Holy Spirit
The gifts of the holy spirit
The Church
two sacraments
healing of the sick
god's will for provision
second coming
sanctity of marriage